I have a love/hate relationship with memes. Besides often being humorous they are short and usually cut to the point. And I like that. But they are all too often misleading, full of half-truths and created to trigger an emotional response. Here is a good example of one that denies the substitutionary atonement of Jesus. It's humorous and easily caters to modern progressive Christian thought and gets that "yeah! that's right" response and the reader will continue scrolling having easily accepted a straw man that is easily debunked.
Below is the meme. It's good example of a deceptive meme, that contains truth with lies. Left is the original meme and the right is my correction.
Bonus: Here are some Progressive "Christian" authors that deny that Jesus died for our sins: Richard Rohr, Nadia Bolz Weber, Brian Zahnd, Rachel Held Evans. Their books are like this meme.....they include some truth to make the lies more believable, adept at creating a straw man case against the atonement,